Org Number Org Name 2002-2003 Allocation 2003-2004 Request 03-04 Allocation
9075 abusua 4287.55 6545.29 5107.23
9061 African Students Association 2900.78 3039.64 2128.76
9063 agape 3877.96 18416.44 5206.04
9015 aikido 1395 3874.32 1956.52
9134 American Civil Liberties Union Did not apply 2300.06 1169.82
9107 american indian council 2483.2 3615.59 3745.35
9121 amnesty international 1334.62 4841.02 2025.59
9113 Animal Rights, Oberlin 1956.05 2077.23 1669.05
9177 Anime Club 283 552.7 545.7
9077 Asian American Alliance 3798.46 7681.78 2640.03
9008 cat in the cream coffeehouse 2687.6 13982.81 4117.2
9048 cheerleading squad 1636.06 4582.41 476.45
9153 christian athletes 1675.35 2561.25 1896.59
9102 christian fellowship 2961.6 4757.27 1191.47
9136 college democrats 546.39 3186.66 1631.82
9025 concert board 10033 41856.62 10464.06
9078 conservatory council 10275 17105.7 117.4
9109 earth first! 451 741.78 713.95
9095 enchiridion (plum creek review) 1070 2153 1555
9052 equestrian team 3404.49 9043.08 3675.86
9009 ExCO 4591.3 4563.23 4140.43
9192 Filipino American Students Association 813.65 4567.9 2827.75
9112 film co-op 2533 7377.17 2563
9017 Film Series, Ob 18507.96 30733.84 24182.45
9090 folk music club 3999 10053 20000
9082 forum board 20000 20000 3074.5
9114 free palestine Did not apply 2591.41 2117
9032 gilbert and sullivan 411.92 1591.08 452.18
9163 Grape 7007.44 17285.85 11224.1
9060 habitat for humanity 2528 5561.78 3551.79
9010 hillel 4401.29 10229.58 5612.54
9046 HIV/AIDS Educators 2706 8281.48 3044.42
9084 honor committee 309.5 550.71 480.71
9073 ice hockey 4770.96 11714 4760
9083 ilu aiye 2328 3323.17 1624
9012 Independent Film Series Did not apply 4623 1490.2
9135 intercollegiate bowling team 1682.26 2127.08 2624.84
9160 Junior Class 600 1924.12 1040
9116 karate-kai 1552.05 3399.81 1647.32
9086 la alianza latina 2479.3 10938.95 3564.75
9140 labor party 2272.35 2545 2244.43
9018 LGBTU 2358.42 9255.81 3253.53
9170 LUUV 782.19 678.99 479.19
9055 marching band 765.73 10713.43 1272.9
9124 men's ulitmate team 3702.8 6659 2969
9071 mentors 719.5 1150.5 1075.5
9155 music coalition 1381.75 2260.85 581.13
9091 music education assocation Did not apply 939 437.25
9156 Muslim Students Association 1641.15 2648.85 2544.49
9108 newman catholic community 2791 5910.29 2235.9
9191 Oberlin Con BM Guild 2392.73 8118.88 1584.2
9180 Oberlin Economics Society Did not apply 2914.15 1176.08
9070 Oberlin Korean Students Association 3512.39 13220.72 4153.91
9118 Oberlin Musical Theater Association 3321.86 7955.65 2706.34
9019 Oberlin Photo Association/Co op 552.61 1695.33 950.3
9023 Oberlin Review 12182.73 48675.3 16345.26
9183 Oberlin Rhythm of Resistance 2779.3 7896.64 3068.27
9036 Oberlin Steel 0 669 844
9184 OC Improv Conference Did not apply 7120 0
9185 OCNORML 1050.57 1887.28 1639.5
9151 offbeats 178.25 218.78 12.98
9053 OGRE 703.04 2073.65 969.45
9186 Olde English 1636.49 1701.49 1686.5  
  Organ Pump Committee of Oberlin Did not apply 3227.44 645
9094 outing club 2733.5 8209.34 3210.94  
9020 pagan awareness network 3209.71 3981.55 2836.4  
9064 peace activist league, Oberlin 2885.5 7218.52 2893.43  
9022 pottery co-op 808.15 1934.48 1595  
9188 Pre-Orientation Program   6440.86 842.96  
9166 Queers and Allies of Faith 1161.22 1707.74 1300.86  
9092 Sailing Club 2919.75 10130.69 1847.8  
9141 scuba club 1581.3 4281.91 1342.45  
9149 Sexual Assault Support Team 3115.95 5363.34 3388.24
9098 Sexual Information Center 1651.97 4378.21 2968.25
9069 Skilled Hands In Training, Oberlin 469.95 940.92 627.22
9087 skinny 2337 2335.08 2329.89
9150 Socialist alternative/ labor militant 2992.25 9071.89 3912.5
9159 Sophomore Class 600 1899.6 0
9066 South Asian Students Association 4667.09 10675.13 3964.7
9101 Student Senate 596.8 6521.52 776.8
9021 Student Theater Association, Oberlin 4429.12 9626.34 3407.34
9026 Student Union Programming Committee 18290.92 39298.9 15599.92
9099 Students of Caribbean Ancestry 3765.65 12807 5771.36
9105 SURF 937.92 1477.82 1358.56
9167 Swing Society 1177 4197.92 2498.5
9037 VIBE 0 659.24 0
9174 Voces 2413.73 17040.22 2438.14
9131 voices for christ 2747 7347.59 6438.35
9042 water polo 2055 4189.9 3803.9
9027 WOBC 13631.08 47126.29 17961.4
9125 Women's Rugby 1418.25 3255.98 1732.91
9176 women's ultimate 2404 2642 2024
9080 zionists 2354.15 4237.63 2862.95
  Ecumenical Christians   2742.98 2567.98
  Freshman Class     456.92
  Student Finance Committee   10048.01 9464.56
  SFC Computer Room   3843.44 1528.8
  Fencing Team   7006.04 3405.04
  Total: 241219.43 727125.92 322089.05